Video: A Game of Snap Dragon

A Game of Snap Dragon

Luke, Leo and Gem enjoyed a game of Snap Dragon, available from Amazon.

Snap Dragon is a fun game where players take it turns to roll a dice, with options of 2, 3 or 4. You then have to pull the dragon’s tongue the corresponding amount of times. If he doesn’t snap you, you get a gold coin but if he does you lose a coin and play moves around to the next player. The first to 3 coins is the winner.

This was a great fun game and we carried on for a few more rounds off camera (and Luke lost every time).

If you would like to purchase a copy of Snap Dragon, it is available from Amazon.

See you in the next video!

The video is below; we hope you enjoy our game. For more content please head over to our YouTube channel and hit subscribe.

Disclaimer: Some "facts" on this blog may be different to your opinions on the subject matter. As dragons are mythical creatures there is no right or wrong within this community. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments but remember, always play nice. "Remember, there were dragons long before men came into the world." - Sully Tarnish

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