Category Archives: British Mythology

Celebrating St. David’s Day: The Emblematic Welsh Dragon

On the 1st of March, Wales is awash with the vibrant hues of daffodils and the proud fluttering of the Welsh flag, as the country celebrates St. David’s Day. This national festival, in honour of the patron saint of Wales, St. David, is a day of cultural pride, where the ancient and the modern merge in celebration of Welsh identity and heritage. Central to the festivities, and indeed to Welsh national identity, is the iconic red dragon, Y Ddraig Goch, a symbol that has deep roots in Welsh history and folklore.

British Dragons: The Most Powerful Mythic Beasts of Britannia

British mythology, a tapestry woven with legends, folklore, and enchanting tales, is home to a host of mythical creatures, with British dragons taking centre stage as some of the most powerful and iconic. These dragons, with their diverse attributes and significance, have left an indelible mark on the cultural heritage of the British Isles. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey through British mythology to explore the most powerful dragons that have captured the imaginations of generations.

The Legend of the Knucker Dragon: A Tale of Sussex Folklore

In the heart of Sussex, England, lies a tale that has been passed down through generations, captivating the imaginations of locals and visitors alike. This is the legend of the Knucker Dragon, a fearsome and enigmatic creature that once dwelled in the murky waters of Knucker Hole. Join us on a journey through time and myth as we explore the fascinating lore surrounding this legendary beast.

Fan Fiction: Fire Drakes and Fireworks – A Bonfire Night to Remember

As the last leaves of autumn performed their final waltz, spiralling to the frost-kissed earth, the villages and towns across the British Isles prepared for a night of spectacle and wonder: Bonfire Night. Children clutched sparklers with mittened hands, writing their names in the air with trails of light, whilst the crackle of fires and the distant bursts of fireworks filled the crisp evening air. Yet, this year’s Bonfire Night was to be unlike any other, for an ancient and fantastic secret was about to unfold beneath the starlit sky.

The Majestic Standard Western Dragon: A Mythological Marvel

Throughout the annals of human history, mythological creatures have captivated our imaginations, sparking tales of wonder and fear. Among these fantastical beings, the standard Western dragon stands tall, both literally and figuratively. With its imposing stature, powerful presence, and rich lore, the Western dragon is an iconic figure in mythology. In this article, we delve into the world of these legendary creatures, exploring their origins, characteristics, and enduring cultural significance.

The Significance of Dragons at Halloween

When we think of Halloween, images of witches, goblins, and ghosts often spring to mind. However, amongst the more traditional symbols lies a creature of myth and majesty: the dragon. But how did this legendary beast become intertwined with the eerie celebration of All Hallows’ Eve?

Dragons in British History: Legends, Myths, and Mysteries

Dragons have been a prominent part of British folklore and history for centuries. These mythical creatures have left an indelible mark on the cultural tapestry of the British Isles, with stories of dragon encounters dating back to ancient times. While dragons are typically associated with fantasy and legend, their presence in British history is both fascinating and enduring. In this article, we will explore the rich tapestry of dragon lore in British history.