Fan Fiction: Fire Drakes and Fireworks – A Bonfire Night to Remember

As the last leaves of autumn performed their final waltz, spiralling to the frost-kissed earth, the villages and towns across the British Isles prepared for a night of spectacle and wonder: Bonfire Night. Children clutched sparklers with mittened hands, writing their names in the air with trails of light, whilst the crackle of fires and the distant bursts of fireworks filled the crisp evening air. Yet, this year’s Bonfire Night was to be unlike any other, for an ancient and fantastic secret was about to unfold beneath the starlit sky.

In the rolling green of the countryside, hidden by the undulating landscape and an enchantment that made the eyes of man glaze over, was a sanctuary untouched by time—Avalon’s Cradle. Here, dragons—yes, dragons—lived in harmonious isolation. The people of the Isles spoke of dragons in fairy tales and legend, never suspecting that these magnificent creatures soared above the clouds when the world of humans was shrouded in slumber.

A dance of fire

The eldest and wisest of the dragons was Ealdflæge, a creature whose scales shimmered with the hues of the setting sun and whose eyes held the depth of ancient wisdom. Ealdflæge remembered the times when dragons and humans lived side by side, when the night sky was set ablaze not by fireworks, but by the breath of dragons in a celebratory dance of fire.

Bonfire Night, as it was now known, had a different name in those days. It was the Festival of Dracan, a night when the veil between the human world and the mystical was thinnest, a time to honour the spirits of the earth and the flames of friendship. The dragons would alight upon the earth to join the festivities, sharing the warmth of their breath to ignite the great bonfires, symbolising the bond between man and dragonkind.

Ealdflæge longed for the unity of old, but as time passed, the alliance faded into myth, and dragons became the stuff of legend, retreating from the world that grew fearful of their might and mystery.

Dragon Fireworks
As the first rocket soared into the sky, exploding into a cascade of colours, the dragons took flight.

Whispers of change

This Bonfire Night, however, the stars whispered of change. Ealdflæge felt a stirring in the air, a call to rekindle the alliance of yore. The elder dragon rallied the younger kin—wyverns, serpents, and drakes of every shade. Tonight, they would emerge from the shroud of their sanctuary, not to incite fear, but to awe and inspire, to remind the world of the magic it had lost.

As the first rocket soared into the sky, exploding into a cascade of colours, the dragons took flight. They rose silently, hidden by the shadow of the night, the only sign of their ascent the occasional flicker of a tail or the glint of a scale in the moonlight.

Below, in the village of Thornwick, the festivities were in full swing. A bonfire towered in the centre of the green, its flames reaching skyward as if to touch the very stars. But as the fire began to wane, the crowd’s cheer faltered. The night was too special, too perfect to end with the dwindling of the flames.

It was then that Ealdflæge, with a beat of mighty wings, descended from the heavens. The gasp of the crowd was lost in the rush of air. With a gentle breath, the elder dragon reignited the bonfire, the fire roaring back to life in a spectacular pillar of gold and crimson.

The Dragon’s dance

One by one, the dragons followed, each breathing life back into the dying embers. The air was filled with the harmony of human cheers and draconic roars, the sky alight with the natural fireworks of dragon fire blending with the man-made displays. Dragons danced amongst the cascades of light, their movements a ballet of shadow and flame.

On that night, the legend of the dragons was no longer a whisper in the past but a vivid, breathing truth. Children marvelled, and the elderly remembered the tales of their ancestors as the dragons performed their aerial dance, a sight as enchanting as the fireworks themselves.

When the dawn’s first light peeked over the horizon, the dragons took their leave, but the warmth they left in the hearts of the people of Thornwick would burn eternally. Ealdflæge promised a return, not just on Bonfire Night, but whenever the world needed reminding that magic and wonder were never truly gone.

And so, the relevance of dragons on Bonfire Night was not just of fantasy, but of unity and the enchanting thread that weaves the tapestry of human and dragon history together. It was a night that Thornwick, and indeed the world, would never forget—a night when fire drakes brought fire to the skies and wonder back to the eyes of those who beheld them.

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Disclaimer: Some "facts" on this blog may be different to your opinions on the subject matter. As dragons are mythical creatures there is no right or wrong within this community. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments but remember, always play nice. "Remember, there were dragons long before men came into the world." - Sully Tarnish

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